Sunday, December 9, 2012

An Advent Devotional by Caitlin and Leocea

My daughter Caitlin and I decided to write a mother and daughter ADvent devotional. We plan to cowrite in the future as well. This is week one's devotional: This Advent devotional is co-written by Leocea and Caitlin McLanahan, mother and daughter in body, daughters of Christ in spirit. We hope that this devotional will bless you during this wonderful season of Advent. To make this even more enjoyable, attend Mass together as often as possible during this time. Spend time together before the Blessed Sacrament. There is a very good virtual Blessed Sacrament online at for those who are unable to find a nearby adoration chapel. Make use of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, if possible, before starting or during the devotional. Make a serious Examination of Conscience regarding your relationship prior to Reconciliation. Enjoy this time together, as mother and daughter(s). St. Anne and Our Blessed Mother, pray for us! Beginning Prayer: Lord, as we approach the blessed season of your birth, help us to see clearly the path on which you lead us. As mothers, let us learn to find joy in raising our daughter(s) to womanhood. Help us to love them unconditionally and without strife. As daughters, help us to have hope for the future, growing in love with our mother's help. Be with us to give us peace through the daily turmoils of the mother-daughter relationship. Together let us walk in your ways as women, growing closer to your son Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Advent Week One: Hope Sunday: Light the advent candle together Opening Prayer: Lord, during this Advent we celebrate not only your coming, but your mother's Immaculate Conception as well. Your grandmother St. Anne waited, hopefully, for the birth of her daughter, Our Blessed Mother. So now, give us hope in this upcoming season to do your will and grow in our faith as your daughters. As mother and daughter(s), let us be hopeful that our relationship is as loving as that of your mother and hers. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, through the intercession of St Anne and our Blessed Mother. Amen. Our Father... Hail Mary... Hail Mary... Hail Mary... Glory Be... Discussion questions: Mother: When you were pregnant, or expecting to adopt, what one thing did you hope for your daughter? Daughter: What do you hope for in life? Both: If you could hope for one thing right now, what would it be? Closing Prayer: Lord, thank you for this time together. Please bless us during the coming week, giving us joyful hope for the future. In Jesus' name, Amen. Daily: Light the candle if desired. Lord, during this first week of Advent, give us hope. Hope for good health, safety, and trust beyond all understanding. Hope for our country, to rise above the current culture of death. We fully await your second coming together. In Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. Hail Mary... Glory Be...