Sunday, January 5, 2020

A Lesson in Patience

Patience is not my strong point. Although it seems that others don't feel the same. Many, many times I will hear this from strangers. "You must have a lot of patience to...." Insert stay at home with kids, homeschool, have a large family or even watch my grandchild. Maybe they are seeing what I am missing. I am not sure. I do know, that even at my "advanced age", I have a lot to learn. My toddler was my teacher this day.

Isaac and I took a nap, on a Saturday afternoon. It was delicious! Warm and cozy as only a nap with a chubby toddler can be. When we woke up I decided to take a shower. Well, Isaac was happy about that! He loves taking a shower with one of us. And Kenny can't hold him in the shower quite yet, after his recent shoulder surgery.

I told him to wait until I had washed my hair, and I would let him in. I wet my hair, lathered up, and my mind started to wander. I started thinking of a troubling situation. A good friend, fallen away from the Church and her family. I felt angry, and as I rinsed and added conditioner, I thought, "Somebody has to DO something to stop this!! How can this person do this to everyone? What is going on? I don't understand this!" I felt sadness too. "Why is God allowing this? What is the point of this? Where is the good?".

I finished, soaped off, rinsed and turned off the water. I opened the curtain, looked down, and saw Isaac. He was standing there the whole time. Not whining or complaining, or questioning what I was doing. He couldn't even see me. He was being so quiet that I had forgotten that he was waiting for me! He said," Shower, Mommy?"

My anger, frustration and sadness disappeared in an instant. I thought, "Patience!". Patience is what is needed here. In this situation, in any situation, patience is the answer. As a toddler trusted his mother, I need to trust my Heavenly Father. It will all be okay. He has it under control. even if I can't see what He is doing.