Saturday, December 5, 2009

Roses again!!!!!!!!!

I am in awe.
I am having trouble sleeping tonight, so I was online. It occurred to me that my original duedate with Meredith, miscarried on 5/21/08 at 11 weeks 6 days, was 12/04/2008. Today would be her first birthday.
I ended up by chance on this blog:

Elizabeth's daughter Sarah,the beautiful toddler shown on the blog, was due within days of Meredith. I often think of her, and I even asked Meredith to pray for her when Sarah was born prematurely.

What made my hair stand on end and reminded me of the wonders of this universe was the next post, the Roses of December. St. Therese never ceased sending roses, to both Kenny and I, while we were waiting seven long months to conceive again. During my pregnancy with Elina Rose, we received roses here and there too. Immediately to the right, on Elizabeth's blog today, is a novena to St. Therese. These were not put there by accident, or coincidence. I have found that coincidence does not often exist in my world, since I became Catholic. Instead, God allows me a glimpse of what He sees everyday. I can only thank Him today for the short time I was able to carry Meredith, and for the opportunity to see her again one day. St. Therese, please continue to remind me of your presence with our Lord. You have helped make my faith as strong as it is. You have truly,, in your little way, brought me closer to Christ.

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