Tuesday, September 6, 2016

New Beginnings

The new school year is upon us. My nineteenth year of homeschooling. It feels like the first one, again, on this day. The pile of books is both exciting and a little scary. My students stagger from their beds, wrapped in blankets, muttering about the indignity of it all.
My littles are already outside, on the playground, because when you are 7, or 3, or 2, life is fun, 98% of the time.
This year is unique because I have no middle school students. I have a 9th, 5th and 1st grader. I have a pre-k and toddler that like to do things too.
My highschool student, Malea, is in two co-ops. Her schooling will be planned by others this year. She is taking:
Biology with a lab
Government/U.S. History
Teaching Textbooks Algebra
Apologetics and Current Events from a Catholic Perspective
Nature study

My fifth grader, Mary Catherine, has:

Catholic School House for:
Composer Studies
Artist studies

Teaching Textbooks 5

The Care and Keeping of You for Health

My first grader, Elina, has:

Catholic School House for:
Composer Studies
Artist Studies

Life of Fred for Math

Andrew, almost 4 and Lauren, just 2, have:

Catholic Icing at co-op
Signing Time at co-op

26 Letters to Heaven
Catholic Mosaic

Rotating daily totes with books, felt games, peg dolls, cutting activities, etc.

Lots of books and a huge playground

Mom has:

A grateful heart
A willing Spirit
A more humble self than before

God, please bless this school year! We will be busy, and some of the things we need to learn are difficult. Give us hearts for service, to help others without expecting anything in return. Help us to persevere, and give all glory where it belongs, to Christ alone. Let others see only Christ in us. Amen

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