Saturday, November 21, 2009

Soup weather

Crisp fall days call for soup making. This year, especially, we need the warmth and comfort. My mother-in-law Judy, who taught me to cook as her mother-in-law Vi taught her, is fighting for her life. Her doctors, some of the best in the country, gave her an estimate of 3-4 weeks, 6 weeks ago. At this point, she is on home hospice care, and it is my hope that a warm bowl of beef stew will warm more than her belly. I hope it feeds her soul as well.
Our local homeschooling group had a soup exchange last week, and this is the recipe I wrote for my contribution. I purposely left this soup brothy and unthickened. I tend to make heartier soups, but wanted to mix it up a little. Kenny ate three bowls, so that is my best indicator that it was good. My husband is a wonderful man, but will not eat anything he doesn't like. :-)

My recipe:
Take one meaty ham bone, put it in your largest stock pot, and fill with water. Turn it on medium and let it cook, uncovered, for a few hours. Meanwhile, attempt to clean the house, nurse baby four times, teach phonics to second grader, rescue child stuck on counter, answer six phone calls, fold laundry, and enjoy the warm smell of the ham bone cooking.When you notice it has reduced, add more hot water. Pull out the ham bone and any pieces of ham. Let this cool. Look in the fridge and find vegetables. I found cabbage, carrots, kale, parsley and celery. I had onions and potatoes in my cupboard. I added these, chopped up, in between a repeat of the last few hours activities. :-)I then cut up the ham, and added it once the vegetables were cooked, about an hour later. I added three cans of drained, rinsed beans, two cannelini and one pinto.I added salt during cooking, but Kenny always feels it needs more. You may need to add salt too. :-)

I pray that everyone who eats this soup will feel the love and care with which it was made. I love to make soup.

Lord, please let all of those in the soup exchange be blessed with good health during the fall/winter months. Let these warm bowls of soup remind us of the care and friendship of those making it.In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Your sister in Christ,


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