Saturday, November 21, 2009

Why Home2Stay?

I wanted to share the meaning behind the name of this blog.
I have been mainly a stay-at-home mom since my oldest child was born 16 years ago. This had been a dream from my earliest days.I have worked part-time in various places, making a small contribution to the bank account, but most of my time has been spent with my children. This has not been easy financially, and has required a lot of patience and faith both from myself and my husband. Yet, it remains where I feel that God wants me, and it has truly become my life's vocation. I am home to stay.
The second meaning is also dear to my heart, but more recent. On February 29, 2006, Kenny, KC and I were welcomed into the Catholic church. This was something that I had never imagined or dreamed of and yet, it is a blessing that continues to be renewed each and every day. I had read the phrase"Come home to Rome", thus we are now, again, home to stay. :-

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