Sunday, November 22, 2009

A time to give thanks

My heart overflows with thanks tonight. I am blessed beyond measure, completely undeserving of the gifts I have been given.
Thank you God, for.........

* my husband. A more perfect man for me does not exist.

* my children, both here and in Heaven

* good friends, to lean on in times of trouble and lift up in times of joy

* our extended families, who give us lots of opportunities to practice the virtues of love, charity and patience

* my grandmother's recovery this year, her continued good health and the news that her cancer did NOT spread

* the safe arrival of our youngest daughter, Elina Rose

* my mother-in-law's life, especially as it comes to a close here on Earth. I will miss her.

* our priest, Father Jay, in this Year of the Priest, as he works hard to make our parish active, vibrant and successful

* the roof over our heads, the clothes on our backs, the shoes on our feet and the food in our bellies

* the warmth of the sun on my face, and the feel of the wind in my hair

* Kenny's job and continued safety

* the low times, for where there are valleys, there are mountains

* each breath

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